Why Traditional Braces are Still One of the Best Teeth-Straightening Options

If you want your teeth straightened, you may envision wearing clear, plastic aligners, such as Invisalign®. While these aligners are certainly a popular method for straightening teeth, they’re not the only option. Furthermore, they may not be the ideal option, depending on your case.

Traditional braces, which consist of metal brackets and wire bands, still have their place in orthodontics. In many cases, traditional braces are the better option for correcting dental issues. In this blog, Joseph Yousefian, DMD, of Yousefian Orthodontics for Children, Teens, and Adults explains more about when and why he might recommend traditional braces. 

What are traditional braces?

Traditional braces are what you might think of when you recall people wearing braces in your childhood. With traditional braces, small metal brackets are placed on your teeth, and then a wire band is threaded through the brackets. And the wire band is adjusted periodically to move your teeth into their correct positions.

With traditional braces, you’ll need to avoid crunchy and sticky foods, such as hard candy, popcorn, and chewing gum. And while this may seem to be a bit of a sacrifice, the payoff will be significant in the form of a dramatically transformed smile.

And though it may seem like more people are choosing clear aligners these days, in fact, traditional braces are still the most commonly used method for straightening teeth.

The advantages of traditional braces

Dr. Yousefian takes into account all of the factors involved in a patient’s dental situation when recommending the most effective method for straightening teeth. While he may decide that plastic aligners, such as Invisalign, can work well, he may recommend traditional braces depending on your situation. Here are some of the reasons he might recommend traditional braces over other methods:

Braces won’t get misplaced or forgotten

One of the things that’s most appealing about plastic aligners is also one of their biggest problems: They’re removable. This can be a disadvantage in some cases. Children, for example, may forget to wear their aligners as often as they’re supposed to, which means the treatment may take longer to complete.

Traditional braces, on the other hand, can’t be removed unless the orthodontist takes them off. This means that treatment will continue as scheduled. Another advantage is they won’t get lost.

Braces treat all orthodontic issues

While plastic aligners work for many situations, they don’t work for all of them. Traditional braces, however, work for all cases. Some teeth may require the force that only metal braces can provide. Molars, for instance, have strong roots. Because of this, plastic aligners may not be able to move them significantly.

You may also need braces if you have significant gaps between your teeth or if you have a severe overbite or underbite.

Braces may work quicker

While each case is different, your treatment time may be shorter if you use braces instead of plastic aligners. Dr. Yousefian will let you know how long your treatment will likely take. In general, all treatment options take 1-3 years.

Braces are less expensive

It would be nice if cost was no object when it came to orthodontic work, but this is not the case. The cost of braces can be especially significant if you have multiple children who need orthodontic treatment. Traditional metal braces are often much cheaper than other types of orthodontic treatments.

If you or your child needs braces, Dr. Yousefian can provide a thorough evaluation and let you know what your best option is. To learn more, book an appointment online or over the phone with Yousefian Orthodontics for Children, Teens, and Adults today.

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